
Four-time WCBA Softball Champions ‘Wyrick Robins’ Bring Home 2019 Trophy

Press Releases

The Wyrick Robbins softball team won its 4th consecutive WCBA Softball championship in 2019.  The season culminated with a come from behind 14-9 win over their familiar opponent in the championship (at least 6 years running) – the Bad News Barristers, a team of solo and smaller firm practitioners. The team, nicknamed the ‘Wyrick Robins’, represents a diverse collection of attorneys, staff and family members. The team members come from multiple firm departments, include first year associates and long-time partners like Tom Cook, Lee Whitman and Charles George, staff members and family members. The common bond is Wyrick Robbins and the desire and willingness to put their bodies at risk for the chance to represent the firm well and take home the WCBA Softball Champions Trophy.

Wyrick Robbins 2019 Softball ChampionsMembers of the Wyrick Robbins softball team and some fans after winning
their fourth Wake County Bar Association softball league championship.