Wyrick Robbins congratulates all of the North Carolina companies that have received Therapeutic Discovery Project grants. The grants for North Carolina companies total $36 million.
Twenty-seven of the 103 North Carolina companies receiving grants are Wyrick Robbins clients, receiving $9.3 million.
“We are pleased that 103 North Carolina companies received grants,” said partner Ken Eheman. “The funds were broadly dispersed across many programs and will enable the continuation of important research that we hope will result in future health care innovations.”
For background information on these grants, please see the Wyrick Robbins May 2010 Client Alert.
About Wyrick Robbins
Wyrick Robbins is an entrepreneurial law firm with a focus on growth-oriented businesses. The firm handles financial and corporate transactions and complex commercial litigation as well as other legal needs of dynamic companies. In addition, Wyrick Robbins attorneys serve as trusted advisors to founders, investors, directors, and management.
For more information:
Jennifer Herendeen