Thirteen attorneys from Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP were recently selected as North Carolina Super Lawyers for 2009.
The Wyrick Robbins attorneys are: Heidi C. Bloom (Rising Stars), Madison E. Bullard, Jr. (Estate Planning & Probate), Thomas H. Cook, Jr. (Tax), K. Edward Greene (Appellate), Sarah M. Johnson(Rising Stars), J. Christopher Lynch (Business/Corporate), Robert A. Ponton, Jr. (Family Law), Donald R. Reynolds (Securities & Corporate Finance), Larry E. Robbins (Business/Corporate), Benjamin N. Thompson (Government Contracts), L. Diane Tindall (Employment & Labor), Mary M. Williams (Rising Stars) and James M. Yates, Jr. (Mergers & Acquisitions).
Super Lawyers names North Carolina’s top lawyers as chosen by their peers and through the independent research of Law & Politics. The list of 2009 North Carolina Super Lawyers is based on surveys of more than 17,000 active lawyers across the state who have been in practice for five years or more. The goal was to select as Super Lawyers the top 5 percent of North Carolina attorneys in more than 70 practice areas. The list of North Carolina Super Lawyers is published annually in the February issues of Charlotte magazine and North Carolina Super Lawyers.
In addition, recent issues of the nationally-distributed bimonthly Super Lawyers—Corporate Counsel Edition have named Wyrick Robbins attorneys as among the best in their respective practice areas. The November-December 2008 edition included L. Diane Tindall (Employment & Labor) while the January-February 2009 edition included J. Christopher Lynch (Business/Corporate), Donald R. Reynolds (Securities & Corporate Finance), Larry E. Robbins (Business/Corporate) and James M. Yates, Jr. (Mergers & Acquisitions).